Keeping Your Knowledge Up To Date

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Be All You Can Be

Keeping you up to date

As a professional body, we believe it is essential for members to keep up to date with the latest developments and knowledge in their field. 

We believe members are in the best position to know how best to enhance their skills and the type of CPD opportunities that they need to undertake to meet these requirements.

We do expect members to keep a record of their CPD activities as a condition of membership. This can be done by logging in and uploading evidence to the individual member’s account on our website under ‘My CPD’.

CPD Monitoring

The IOR may routinely ask a selection of its members to produce their CPD records. As a member of the IOR, you have an obligation under Rule 3.2 (j) of the IOR Constitution & Rules to maintain your knowledge and understanding of your professional qualification through CPD. All members are responsible for developing their own annual CPD plan, evaluating their CPD activities and keeping a record of the activities that they undertake.

What Counts As CPD?

CPD is any learning that is going to add value and enhance your professional and occupational competence. Some will be structured and some will happen informally in the course of your work.

Attending regional meetings of the IOR will also give you access to CPD presentations.

Completion of IOR Online Learning Courses and courses undertaken through our Member Benefits portal, where a certificate is provided, also count towards your CPD provided they enhance your supervisory or management knowledge and skills.

Trade Associations representing the various sectors of the roofing industry also provide access to online CPD presentations which can be accessed from our knowledge centre.

How Many Hours Of CPD Do I
Need To Complete?

It is your responsibility, as an IOR member, to undertake professional development activities to ensure that you continue to improve and broaden your skills, knowledge and professional behaviours, that are necessary in your professional duties. However, we are not prescriptive about what you do, i.e. there is not a set number of hours you need to complete. You are best placed to know what CPD is necessary and relevant to you. 

We are looking for evidence that you have gone through a process of assessing your development needs, done something about it, and evaluated the outcomes, ready to begin the process again.

DCE CPD Online Academy

Available online and available to take at any time, these CPD’s are absolutely FREE.  All you have to do is REGISTER.

Your CPD attendance certificate will be emailed once you have finished the seminar and completed the request form.  IOR Members can then upload the certificate to the ‘My CPD‘ section of their IOR Account.

New CPD presentations are being added all the time, so it is worth checking for new content.

DCE CPD  Events Diary

All DCE events are offered completely FREE OF CHARGE to visitors.

Most of the speakers have specialist products or services which outperform the required Building Regulations or Building Standards. 

Companies have the opportunity to deliver their technical message and help keep busy constructional professionals technically updated.

Be Recognised In The Industry